A Beginner’s Tutorial to Robotic Process Automation

According to Deloitte, over 50% of businesses surveyed plan their “RPA Journey,” and 78% of those businesses plan to invest more money in RPA (Robotic Process Automation) in the next three years. Forrester predicts that RPA will be a 3 billion dollar+ industry by 2023. While some may look at RPA as a replacement for

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Squarespace Email Parser

Use Mailparser to Integrate Your Squarespace Site with Business Applications Mailparser is a simple tool that automates your business processes, saving valuable time and minimizing error. Any part of your business that involves emails, from online order notifications, and shipping emails, to marketing integration, becomes more efficient and less tedious with Mailparser. Extract data out

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Customize your Shopify workflow with Mailparser & Zapier

Customize your Shopify store workflow with Zapier and Mailparser As an online retailer, you’ve devoted a great deal of care to create the look and feel of your Shopify store. Everything from your branding, to product page layout and cart checkout experience are customized just the way you want them. This same level of detailed

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Mailparser and Automate.io via Google Sheets

Even the best data in the world fails to meet the mark when you can’t use it to further your business. If your valuable leads are left to sit in a spreadsheet forever, lost in time instead of being used to drive sales, it’s unlikely you’ll see success from any of your marketing campaigns.

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mailparser.io and Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM)

In marketing, & other areas of your business, you might feel as though you spend an inordinate amount of time moving data from one place to another. In order to maintain up-to-date CRMs and manage email communications, portability is a big benefit.

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Parse Restaurant Reservation Bookings

Using online marketing to drive exposure and restaurant reservation bookings? mailparser.io offers email parsing and workflow solutions that allow your restaurant to aggregate online inquiries into one place.

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Manage your Mortgage Leads Better – Email Parser Automation

Mortgage leads are one of the more costly lead types to generate on 3rd party platforms. Whether you are using directory advertising, utilizing PPC campaigns, or are a preferred listing on Zillow or Bankrate, this is clear. You pay big money for each mortgage lead, so you need to maximize its potential. We can help

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Send better transactional emails – sendwithus & mailparser.io

Users are 4x more likely to open transactional emails than marketing emails However, you are often limited by outdated templates in your shopping carts, or the triggered emails you are sending aren’t as focused as you would like because of other limitations. Reality is, that nearly 70% of the email that businesses send is transactional,

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Online Booking Email Integration Options

The hospitality industry relies on Online Booking & Online Reservations Whether you are using your website, booking.com, tripadvisor.com, flipkey.com, Airbnb, or another online booking & reservation platform, you can save hours of tedious work, and improve response time with Mailparser. Short term rental properties often receive information requests and online booking inquiries, via email, from

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Manage Your Car Sales Leads With mailparser.io

Manage your website, cars.com, carguru.com and many other digital car sales leads with mailparser.io Why? When you have emails coming in from contact forms, & 3rd party auto sales lead generation sites, critical data is often clumsy in format, and not structured the same as the next auto lead provider. mailparser.io allows you to set an inbox for each

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