How Tech Teams Can Increase Productivity with Daily Standups

How tech teams can increase productivity

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How tech teams can increase productivity

It’s no secret that technology teams are under a lot of pressure to innovate and produce results. But often times, this pressure can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. In this blog post, we’ll explore how tech teams can increase their productivity with daily standups and stay on top of their game.

Increase Productivity with Daily Standups & Checkins

Try Jell to improve your tech team’s communication and efficiency.

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Productivity and Your Tech Team

Being productive means planning team members’ work and resources to achieve whatever that bottom line goal is for your organization. It involves:

  • Responsibility. Each team member must intimately understand their role, responsibilities and the consequences or outcomes of their own contribution to the team and their work as a whole.
  • Communication. Tech team members need to communicate daily, understand one another’s questions and requests, action the right tasks, and produce meaningful results that drive the group’s work, overall.
  • Skills matching. To be successful and productive, each team member should possess the required skills for a specific role and know when to use which skills to suit a project’s tasks and goals. 
  • Security. All team members should be aware and vigilant about cybersecurity risks. To make everyone’s workflow smoother, they need to know of and use the necessary tools to maintain organizational security and protection from potential threats.

Why is productivity so important?

Productivity among your remote team is key to the success of any business, including those in tech. After all, when you’re productive it means the right amount of resources are working to achieve company goals and earn the desired profit. Productivity can also consider other metrics like website traffic or number of clients. The more productive you are, the more likely you’re looking at more than one metric that successfully falls into place.

6 Tips on How Tech Teams Can Increase Productivity

Whether your tech team is struggling to keep up with current demand or you’re simply looking for ways to increase productivity, these tips will help. Increasing the efficiency of your technology team can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by focusing on small changes that can make a big impact and work your way up from there.

  • Set up a communication system that works for everyone on the team, like a daily scrum meeting (you can automate this process with a tool like, Jell – more on that later in this article.)
  • Use a project management tool to keep track of tasks and deadlines. Many tech and software development teams use tools like Jira for sprint management.
  • Create a task list for each day and week, and stick to it. To increase accountability, consider requiring daily standups in your Slack or Teams channel. This is especially helpful for asynchronous teams.
  • Eliminate manual data entry by implementing document or email parsing
  • Take breaks regularly, and step away from your computer screen
  • Delegate tasks whenever possible, and don’t be afraid to ask for help
  • Celebrate successes together, no matter how small they may seem

How Tech Plays A Huge Role In Productivity

Tech Teams Productivity

As part of a tech team, you know firsthand how helpful tech products can be. When it comes to boosting productivity, it’s no different. Here are just a few ways that tech can help in your team’s quest to raise the bar on that productivity.

Encourages open communication

It’s no secret that clear and open communication is key to any high-performing team. Without it, information gets blocked, processes seize up and teamwork just stalls. In any type of collaborative remote work, you need quality, dependable cloud and mobile tech to communicate easily. This helps you stay connected and be productive.

For example, communication and collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams help your remote tech team collaborate effectively, despite being in many different locations. What’s great about these particular tools is that they integrate seamlessly with Jell, for a smoother, faster experience that helps produce even higher productivity.

Allows for more planning and time management

Time management helps you and your team maximize your workday, and scheduling and calendar tools like Google Calendar make this happen. Most of them integrate with nearly any tool you’re using and are mobile accessible, too. So, it’s always convenient to check when that next meeting is and know when to start prepping, from wherever you may be. You can add tasks to get ready for those standup or check-in meetings and set reminders to keep you focused and organized, so there are never any surprises.

Automates workflows and processes

Many tech and other types of businesses use apps to streamline complicated processes and workflows. The features these tools come with remove the repetition and time constraint from the shoulders of team members and automate it instead. You’ll see big strides in productivity when you move those monotonous, routine tasks from your people to a powerful piece of software since they can freely focus their time on more important, revenue- or other bottom-line-generating tasks. Plus, you’ll reduce the chance of human error occurring.

These types of tasks can be anything from collecting and sorting customer information, to generating purchase orders or paying bills, to organizing routine meetings and goal setting. In fact, if you’re looking to streamline the time and energy put into those regular meetings, check-ins and goal setting conversations, you could really benefit from a tool like Jell. But, what exactly is Jell? Good question. We’ll get into that next.

Jell: The Top Tool for Boosting Your Tech Team’s Productivity

Jell is a productivity tool that lets you run and manage asynchronous daily standup, individual or team check-in meetings, and track OKRs (objectives and key results). In just a few minutes daily, the tool can help you track your plans and progress, achieve more by aligning goals, and foster highly productive teams.

Increase Productivity with Daily Standups & Checkins

Try Jell to improve your tech team’s communication and efficiency.

Try it free. No credit card required. 

Check out this video and the features below to learn more about Jell and how it can help your team.

Features of Jell

With Jell, you can raise your team’s productivity with its helpful functionality and features:

  • Daily standups, to track what everyone’s busy with and what they’ve achieved.
  • Check-ins, which can be created for detailed metric and broader progress sharing among the team.
  • Goal tracking, for longer or shorter-term progress sharing, along with a linkage to daily activity.
  • Integrations with so many tools your team already knows and loves, like Slack, Teams, GitHub and more.

Now that you’ve learned all about how tech teams can increase productivity, see for yourself the difference that a straightforward, user-friendly automated tool like Jell can make. Your team will feel more connected, accomplished and, most of all, productive, and be more inclined to deliver their all day in and out.

Increase Productivity with Daily Standups & Checkins

Try Jell to improve your tech team’s communication and efficiency.

Try it free. No credit card required. 

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Capture data from incoming emails and send it to spreadsheets, Google Sheets, databases, APIs, integration services, and more.

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