Google Drive

Google Drive - Mailparser Integrations

Move Email Attachments to Google Drive Does your business receive emails with PDF files and other file attachments you want to store in Google Drive? Mailparser is a powerful email parser and workflow automation solution which can move file attachments from emails to your Google Drive Cloud Storage. About the Google Drive integration This integration […]


OneDrive - Mailparser Integrations

Automatically save parsed email data in OneDrive. When a new email is parsed, a copy of the file will be saved in OneDrive. About the OneDrive integration Do you wish to record your parsed email data in OneDrive? Do this without manual data input, using this integration to automate the task completely. After quickly setting […]

Box Cloud Storage

Box Cloud Storage - Mailparser Integrations

Copy Email Attachments to Box Do you receive important email pdf and other type file attachments you want to store in your Box Cloud Storage? gives you the tools to automatically move email file attachments to your Box account. About the Box Cloud Storage integration This integration lets you push pdf files and other […]