How do I Convert Email to Excel?

Last Updated: July 31, 2024
convert email to excel

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Automatically Extract Data From Emails

Capture data from incoming emails and send it to spreadsheets, Google Sheets, databases, APIs, integration services, and more.

No credit card required

Do you receive emails with business data that you need to add to a spreadsheet? For example, leads, order confirmations, purchase orders, sales reports, you name it… do you need to copy this crucial data from email to Excel?

If so, chances are you often find yourself stuck with a tedious copy-and-paste routine. So how do you convert data trapped inside those emails into easy-to-handle formats like an Excel or CSV spreadsheet?

That’s what this article is for: we show you, step by step, how to use Mailparser to extract data from email to Excel and automate your email workflows.

Convert Email to Excel with Mailparser

Save hours of time extracting data from emails.

Try it free. No credit card required. 

How to Extract Data from Email to Excel

Mailparser is a leading no-code, web-based application that allows you to extract data from emails to Excel. Follow these five simple steps to get an Excel sheet with accurate and structured data:

Step 1: Create a Mailparser inbox

To get started, sign up for a Mailparser account. You’ll see a prompt to create your first inbox, which is where you will forward all of the emails and attachments that need to be parsed, extracted, and organized into Microsoft Excel.

After creating your account, click on the button ‘Create Your First Inbox’.

Mailparser Create a New Inbox

Type a name for your inbox and Mailparser will generate an email address for it.

Step 2: Send a sample email

Next, forward an email that contains the data you want to extract (whether it’s located in the body, subject line, sender, receiver, or even an attachment) to your Mailparser inbox.

It’s always good to double-check that your emails are getting to your new parser inbox before you start automating the process.

Step 3: Create parsing rules 

Now, you’re going to define parsing rules that tell Mailparser’s algorithms what kind of data fields you want to extract from incoming emails. For example, you can create parsing rules to extract email addresses, names, addresses, tables, and anything else you want to extract into Excel.

Let’s take an example: suppose you have sent a bunch of sales leads to your Mailparser inbox. You can create parsing rules manually or use the automatic setup to speed up the process. Let’s give it a try.

Emails Received

Click on the button ‘Select & Continue to Setup Parsing Rules’.

Mailparser will try to identify the data fields and extract them. Let’s see the result:

Email to Excel - Automatic Parsing Rules

Success! All the relevant data fields have been extracted accurately. Click on ‘Start with this template’ to validate the parsing rules.

You can always edit those parsing rules, delete unnecessary ones, and add more rules as needed. You can also refine parsed data in various ways, like changing the format of dates and phone numbers, filtering table rows that don’t contain specific data, searching for and replacing text, and so on.

Step 4: Download to Excel 

Go to the Downloads section, click on a button that says ‘Create First Download Link’, and select the XLS format.

Excel File Download

As shown in this screenshot, you can combine parsed data from a large number of emails into one Excel sheet.

Name your file and tweak the download settings if needed. Scroll down and click on ‘Save’ and Mailparser will generate a handy download link for you. Click on it and save your Excel file. Done!

Email to Excel - Downloaded File

Step 5: Automate the email parsing process

Lastly, you can go one step further by automating the action of forwarding incoming emails to your Mailparser inbox. Essentially, you set up a forwarding rule in your email service provider (like Gmail or Microsoft Outlook) to automatically forward new emails to your address and Mailparser will do the rest. That way, any new emails that contain the data you need will automatically go to Mailparser and get parsed.

Suggested reading: Automatically forward Emails from Outlook

Watch this quick video tutorial

To get an idea of how Mailparser works in action, please watch this short screencast that covers the setup process:

To learn more about how Mailparser works, we recommend you explore Mailparser Academy, a collection of short tutorials that teach you how to use Mailparser for various use cases.

Convert Email to Excel with Mailparser

Save hours of time extracting data from emails.

Try it free. No credit card required. 

Moving Data from Emails to Excel is Often Challenging

You receive a lot of emails

Email is one of the primary channels for business communications, so it’s only natural that you receive a lot of important data via emails.

That data often needs to go to a proper database, but copying and pasting it is tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone.
If you receive a lot of emails every day, data entry becomes too costly and stressful to stay viable.

You tried some tools but the results are subpar

Maybe you’ve tried some data extraction tools before, but the results weren’t exactly thrilling. Some tools require technical knowledge to be used, while others will extract data that you still need to edit and organize by yourself.

You need an automated solution that extracts data accurately 

So what you really need is an email parser, which is a software application that can automatically extract the data you need from your emails (whether it’s one email or several) and put it all in one Excel spreadsheet — without inaccuracies or a messy structure.

Well, you’re in luck, because that’s exactly what Mailparser was built to do.

Common Scenarios

Sometimes, users migrate hosts and need to move their Inbox to a new web hosting server.

If you want to keep your data, sometimes the platform requires you to back your emails up, and you don’t want to lose past email exchanges and necessary attachments.
This is one reason to export your data into an Excel document, as Excel can organize conversations and act as your database. For example, you can search for old contacts and conversations by name or date there.

Another reason to convert emails is to save your data in a backup file. What happens if you lose access to your email address? It happens every day. If this ever happens to you, you’ll be glad you backed up your email data.

Furthermore, sensitive data that may require easy access for either legal or other business purposes must be backed up. Also, if a data disaster occurs and somehow your server is wiped, a backup will allow you to recover your data easily.
Otherwise, you might face severe consequences such as the disruption of day-to-day operations, financial losses, and customer dissatisfaction.

Convert Email to Excel with Mailparser

How Mailparser Can Help

Easy to get started with and use

It’s easy to get started with Mailparser. For starters, it doesn’t take up any space on your computer as it runs directly on your web browser. So you don’t need to download and install it, and your usage is not bound to one device only.

Moreover, we offer a library of templates that handle the most common use cases like simple contact form emails and order receipts out of the box. You can choose a template that matches your use case, have the automatic setup create parsing rules, and then customize the template for your unique needs.

Mailparser is the leading email parsing solution, and for a good reason. With Mailparser, you can directly parse data from email body or file attachments (in formats like PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, CSV, TXT, XML, and more) using our filters to isolate and refine data. After parsing their data, our users typically download it in the Excel, CSV, JSON, and XML formats.

Last but not least, we have added a lot of features over the years that simplify and enhance your email parsing usage. For example, you can:

  • Create folders to organize your inboxes and access them easily
  • Add team members to your main account
  • Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Edit extracted data points
  • Suggest an idea for a new feature
  • And more

Build your customized email parser

Unlike other email parsers, Mailparser gives you the tools to create your own customized email parsing solution — all without writing a line of code.
By chaining up multiple text or table filters, you can create complex custom extraction rules within minutes. Once set up, these extraction rules will boil down the email to the data fields you are looking for.
We also have built-in formatting options that allow you to change date, time, or telephone formats, and more.

Overall, Mailparser is a flexible data extraction solution for converting incoming emails (leads, order confirmations, purchase orders, and any recurring emails…) to easy-to-handle Excel, CSV and Google Spreadsheet files.
Try it for free and parse your first emails to spreadsheets within minutes. Just some of our many extraction features are shown in the image below:

Beyond Excel: move data to your favorite cloud apps

After extracting data from your emails, you can instantly send it to hundreds of integrated cloud applications: Google Sheets, Salesforce, Slack, etc.

The entire process can be set up in minutes, and those who automate the email to Excel process save hours and hours of work every week. It’s a huge win for businesses and business owners.

Benefits of Email Workflow Automation

Employees who automate their email workflows with Mailparser free up a lot of time which they can dedicate to high-impact work: connecting with leads, providing better customer service, uncovering insights from large volumes of data, and so much more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Mailparser?

Mailparser is an email parsing software. What this means is that it can extract data from your email and transform it into searchable, accessible data to aid in automating your business.

We recommend Mailparser for businesses or individuals needed to process batches of emails with a similar layout or structure. Most of our clients have between 1-100 different email layouts with around 50-200,000 emails monthly.

Popular use-cases for Mailparser are:

Can your software extract email addresses, names, and phone numbers within the text of an email?

Yes, absolutely!

Can I move my entire Gmail inbox to an Excel spreadsheet? I have around 300 to 400 emails and want to move each email to the spreadsheet.

Gmail has a restriction of 100 emails a day to forward older emails, but we have a blog post for a Chrome extension download that can forward your older Gmail messages.

What are email parsing rules?

Email parsing rules are sets of instructions you create to tell our system where to search for your data, whether that data is in an email’s body or contained within a text-scannable email attachment.

Typically, parsing rules target specific fields or data points within your emails like a tracking number, but parsing rules can extract entire tables of data. Furthermore, you can use filters to isolate and extract only the data you need. These filters tell our system to look for specific fields and patterns.

What are the formats that I can parse my emails to?

You can parse emails and download the parsed data in XLS, CSV, JSON, or XML format.

Does Mailparser have a free trial?

Yes, Mailparser offers a free trial for 30 days. This trial gives you 30 credits.

Is Mailparser safe to use?

Yes, Mailparser is safe to use. We use bank-level encryption from A to Z and update our servers with the latest security patches regularly. Your data belongs to you and it is deleted after a retention period that you choose, which ranges from 0 to 180 days. For more details, please read our security statement.

Moving email data to Excel doesn’t have to be a daunting task. 

Mailparser allows you to automate this process without needing technical skills or having to double-check for inaccuracies. So you save countless hours, eliminate human error, and free yourself (and your colleagues) from the tedium and stress of manual data entry.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effortlessly extract data from your emails and export it directly to Excel, allowing for easy organization, action, analysis, and reporting. 

Whether you’re managing sales leads, processing orders, or tracking customer inquiries, Mailparser provides a reliable and efficient solution to handle your email data. Try it for free today and reap the benefits of automation.

Convert Email to Excel with Mailparser

Save hours of time extracting data from emails.

Try it free. No credit card required. 

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Automatically Extract Data From Emails

Capture data from incoming emails and send it to spreadsheets, Google Sheets, databases, APIs, integration services, and more.

No credit card required