Gmail Outbound Emails

Gmail - Mailparser Integrations

Trigger Auto-Reply Emails in Gmail Do you receive purchase orders, contact requests, offline chats, or leads by email and want to trigger auto-replies in Gmail? Our Gmail integration lets you send out messages whenever we parse data from an incoming email. TRY IT FREE No credit card required. Triggered Gmail Autoresponder Mailparser is simple and […]

Emails Outbound

Email - Mailparser Integrations

Send Auto-Reply Emails Do you receive purchase orders or leads by email and want to send out an automated reply to your customers? With Mailparser, you can extract any data from your incoming emails and use it for sending a new outbound email. TRY IT FREE No credit card required. About the Emails Outbound integration […]

Office 365

Office 365 - Mailparser Integrations

Convert emails into Calendar Events, Contacts and more. We extract structured data from incoming emails with just a few simple parsing rules. Once your data is parsed you can use it to create events or records in Office 365. About the Office 365 integration Our Office 365 integration allows you to extract text nearly any […]