Easily populate your Hubspot CRM and Sales database, automatically.
Push email information to your HubSpot account quickly and accurately with easy email parsing rules.
About the HubSpot integration
With our HubSpot integration, clients can easily populate their Hubspot CRM and Sales database, automatically. Don’t worry about data input, push email information to your HubSpot account quickly and accurately with easy parsing rules, through our Zapier connection.
HubSpot is an increasingly popular CRM and Sales tool, connected to 100’s of Apps for businesses. Our HubSpot integration allows you to get what you need, where you need it, without the strain of copy/pasting records, client notes, attachment data, basically anything from your email account. Service your clients better and close more business.
Our blog article “getting started with email parsing” will walk through the process of parsing inbound emails. Feel free to explore Zapier’s integration with HubSpot here.
What you need …
This HubSpot integration is brought to you by Zapier. Next to having a HubSpot account and a Mailparser account, you also need an account with Zapier.
How it works…
- Create an account with Mailparser
- Forward your emails to your private @mailparser.io inbox
- Create parsing rules to isolate the email data or attachment URLs you need
- Send attachment URL or mail content data to Zapier
- Send to HubSpot from Zapier