Parse email information and get structured data in return.
Automatically push data to Constant Contact and 100’s of other platforms.
About the Constant Contact integration
Our Constant Contact integration enables easy population of your contact list, automatically from forms, orders, or any other email inbox message. When you are able to extract the information from emails (email address, Name, Phone, etc.), you have a file of contacts you can send to Constant Contact and 100’s of other platforms, automatically.
Once you have completed the set-up, all of the email information will be parsed and sent where you need it. Our integration allows your Email Marketing team to focus on Constant Contact email campaigns and not on contact collection, while saving hours of valuable time each week. Parsed data is sent to Constant Contact via our Zapier integration.
“getting started with email parsing” will help, with a load of information and videos. Feel free to explore Zapier’s integration with Constant Contact here.
What you need …
This Constant Contact integration is brought to you by Zapier. Next to having a Constant Contact account and a account, you also need an account with Zapier.
How it works…
- Create an account with
- Forward your emails to your private inbox
- Create parsing rules isolating lead or contact data from your imported mail
- Send parsed lead data to Zapier
- Send contact to Constant Contact from Zapier