Microsoft Power Automate Email Parser

Table of Contents

Automatically Extract Data From Emails

Capture data from incoming emails and send it to spreadsheets, Google Sheets, databases, APIs, integration services, and more.

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Mailparser and Microsoft Power Automate Integration

As part of our endeavor to assist clients parsing their emails to various platforms, we’ve recently integrated Mailparser with Microsoft Power Automate, meaning we now offer a Microsoft Power Automate Email Parser.
Mailparser has long been integrated with Microsoft Dynamics through other 3rd party integrations, but to take things up a notch higher, we introduced the Microsoft Power Automate integration with Mailparser.

Microsoft Power Automate is a cloud-based automation tool that lets you create your own workflow automation process and design across different applications and services. It is developed by Microsoft and it helps you in automating workflows, hence the name – Microsoft Power Automate

And now, Mailparser is an official connector of Microsoft Power Automate!
Enhance your cloud with Mailparser today…
Create a Mailparser account

What Does Mailparser-Microsoft Power Automate Integration Mean To Our Clients?

This means that email parsing using Mailparser and sending that information to even more platforms just got easier for our clients. You can now connect Mailparser with any of the Microsoft products, or 3rd party Apps they support on Power Automate. Because Microsoft Power Automate is connected with hundreds of applications, you can now link Mailparser, Microsoft Power Automate, and any of these other applications with each other, thus streamlining your business processes.
We are proud to be a part of Microsoft Azure and be able to connect our software with the rest of the services and applications running on Azure. Microsoft Power Automate is one of the top Workflow automation platforms available today. Below is a screenshot of the Power Automate integration within the Mailparser app.
Mailparser - Microsoft Flow Integration

How Does Microsoft Power Automate and Mailparser Connector Work?

In order to establish the connection between Microsoft Power Automate and Mailparser, you first need to have a Mailparser subscription and a Microsoft Power Automate account.
Once your login accounts on both the platforms are set, you can use this connector in any or both of the following ways:

  1. Import your emails from [YOUR APP] to Mailparser
  2. Obtain the parsed data from Mailparser and export it to [YOUR APP]

By doing the above, you can power automate parse email and extract data using Mailparser.
For example, you can import a batch of emails from Microsoft Outlook and get the data parsed which is hidden in the email body or attachment. You can then use this parsed data and export it in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, or any other application.

How To Get Started With Microsoft Power Automate – Mailparser Connector?

The Microsoft Power Automate and Mailparser setup is simple and easy.

      • Go to Microsoft Power Automate and create your free account using an email address.
      • In Power Automate, sign in with your work or organization account. On the left pane, select Data > Connections. At the top of the page, select New connection. In the list of available connections, choose the connection that you want to set up (such as SharePoint) by selecting the plus sign (+) or select a template that has already been created:

microsoft flow template microsoft flow template email parser

  • If this is your first Power Automate, you will need to link your Mailparser account so we can automatically send data to Power Automate:

email parser flow

  • When your Mailparser account is connected you will then be able to add Mailparser as the Trigger or the Action to your flow:
  • Use Mailparser as Triggers – to know that a new email has been parsed, triggering an action:

new email parser flow
*You will select the inbox your parsed data is coming from when defining the trigger

  • Use Mailparser as Actions – to return an array of the existing inboxes in your account:

email parser actions flow
*No further setup is required after selecting this action
Get Started Now
If you face any problem in connecting Mailparser with our Microsoft Power Automate integration, let us know and we will be happy to assist you.

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Automatically Extract Data From Emails

Capture data from incoming emails and send it to spreadsheets, Google Sheets, databases, APIs, integration services, and more.

No credit card required