Focused Automation of Inbound Leads…
Well you decided it was time to automate your digital marketing campaigns. Targeted penetration into your prospect pools, with unique campaigns, outreach efforts and the like. However, if your business is like many of our clients’ then you have a multitude of inbound marketing channels, from 3rd party sites, and affiliates, to your business website, Social Media Marketing and beyond. Yet, you are still limited by the marketing tools available to automate your inbound lead management workflow further.
The Current Headache
Multiple lead generation efforts often results in very different presentation of lead data when it arrives to your inbox. What this also does, is limit the amount of additional partners and lead generation channels you can pursue, as reliance on developers to integrate and automate the import of these leads into your Marketing Automation platform bottleneck’s your ability to scale these efforts.
Workflow Solutions for Modern Business allows you to automate inbound lead management & population of your Marketing Automation platform, (and hundreds of other cloud platforms), directly from your email inbox. With our email parsing software, you are able to differentiate your lead generation efforts and “assign” each lead channel to a specific inbox at This allows you to set specific parsing rules for each inbound lead source, and get the same output format for all, regardless of what the original data looks like. Because you can set up your account in minutes, and parse out the email data, you have the ability to have a custom solution, without the time, or expense of developers. This removes and hindrance from seeking new lead generation channels, as you can simply create new rules for each new advertising or partner channel and still receive the same output. Thus, easy scaling of your lead generation efforts.
Create a Mailparser account
Improved Marketing Automation with our Email Parsing Workflow
Now that you have your prospects and leads in the same format, you have several options, as to how you can utilize this data. Option 1 is a simple Excel download, or you can dump it into Google Sheets, via our native integration and webhook (Google account is required). You can also send data to nearly any endpoint with a custom webhook. What is a Webhook? You can also preview our Marketing Automation partners via webhook integrations. From ActiveCampaign & HubSpot to Marketo & Pardot, we’ve got your covered. Simply automate the insertion of your lead data into your preferred marketing automation platform, and each time you receive and email, it is sent to the proper place automatically. Increase productivity, accuracy, and save time each week, with email parsing, and instant contact creation.