How To Parse Email Attachments with Mailparser

Since the beginning of Mailparser, one particular feature request popped up every couple of days. People were asking if it was possible to automatically read and process text stored inside e-mail attachments. Quickly it became clear to us that this is something we wanted to build for our customers! Read on to find out how […]

How to Convert PDF to Google Sheets or Excel

So you want to extract table rows from PDF documents and copy them to a spreadsheet? Well, we have the solution for you to convert PDF to Google Sheets quickly and easily. You probably already figured out that a simple copy & paste isn’t reliable or just takes way too much time, that’s why we […]

Automate Customer Emails with Mailparser 

Automate customer emails with Mailparser

Does your business feel adrift in a sea of incoming contact requests, offline chats, and email leads? If so, it’s time to upgrade from the endless task of manually entering customer data to simple, speedy data automation. Rather than juggling hundreds of customers’ valuable information by hand, you can automate customer emails, organizing them and […]