Mailparser – A Flexible Parseur Alternative

Table of Contents

Automatically Extract Data From Emails

Capture data from incoming emails and send it to spreadsheets, Google Sheets, databases, APIs, integration services, and more.

No credit card required

Mailparser is a flexible Parseur alternative that conveniently parses important data from emails and automatically imports that data into various formats.  In this post, we will take look at both automation software options to determine which one is right for your business.

Try This Parseur Alternative For Free


Eliminate manual data entry with Mailparser. Extract data from emails & attachments and send it to spreadsheets or web applications.

Simple setup. No developer required. 


Mailparser Features

Simple, Intuitive Setup

There is no installation necessary for Mailparser. Just open it up in your preferred browser to start.

Extract Data from Emails

If you have data stuck in email copy, subject lines, or sender information, you can automatically extract it with Mailparser.

Pull Data from Attachments

If your data comes in the format of an email attachment, like PDFs, you can parse and extract it where it needs to go.

Setup Custom Parsing Rules

Mailparser is flexible and supports many use-cases. Tailor and customize your parsing rules to fit your company’s needs.

Export Data Where it Belongs

Parse data from your emails and export it into various file formats (Excel, Word, your CRM, etc).

Flexible Integrations

Connect your mailbox to 1500 integrations to parse specific emails to extract the most useful information.

Try Mailparser For Free


Mailparser vs. Parseur Features

So you’re looking for an email parser, but which one should you choose? If you’re already sold on the idea of using either Parseur or Mailparser, then this section is for you. We’ll be comparing these two services and evaluating them based on their pricing, features, and integrations.

Mailparseur Parseur Alternative

While it’s possible to achieve the core objective of parsing data from emails using either Mailparser or Parseur, the processes (and experiences) are far from equal. Whereas Parseur offers an admittedly simpler point-and-click UI to extract data points, Mailparser is much more flexible as it offers two suites of text and table filters that give the user much more control than is available in Parseur.

Mailparser Parsing Rules

Let’s raise the Mailparser vs. Parseur case a notch higher with a side-by-side table to bring all differences to the surface.

Mailparser vs. Parseur

Observe the difference between Mailparser and Parseur in the chart below.



Free plan
Paid tiers
Parse templates
Document parsing
Text Filters
Table Filters
Save in the Cloud (Drive, etc)
User Experience
Unlimited parsing rules
Volume packages
Status check
Customer Support
Knowledge Base


Try Mailparser For Free


See Why Customers Prefer Mailparser

There’s no better way to understand why users keep opting for our Parseur alternative than to hear from them. Below are a few use cases and testimonials from Mailparser users.

Maharishi University

Maharishi-International-University Mailparser

Maharishi University Staff uses Mailparser to extract support email snippets for their iContact Pro workflow.

“When our chat operators are offline, visitors to our website leave messages for our operator. Once a message is left, OnWebChat sends a standard formatted email to my Outlook inbox. I have a rule in Outlook that looks for these standard emails, and automatically forwards these emails to a pre-created email address. has been programmed to locate and parse the name and sender email address from these emails. From there, a Zapier “zap” sends this information to be input into a predetermined contact list on our iContact PRO email marketing software. As each new contact is added, a workflow in iContact PRO sends out a series of three unique emails to each person who originally left a message on our chat. This all begins within a few minutes.”

Craig – Maharishi University

Print Storm

Print Storm Mailparser

Pairing Mailparser and Zapier saves the Print Storm team hundreds of work hours monthly by parsing unlimited emails for comments and job requests. 

“ has been an absolutely brilliant addition to our workflows here at Print Storm. Using the very intuitive user interface of, we can take data from a whole range of incoming emails, and use the app to pick out the specific pieces of information that we require. Whether it’s commenting on artwork design proofs that are sent to our designers, or information on printing schedules or deadlines, our staff can sit back and let do the work. Coupled with Zapier, we can then insert that data into the appropriate fields in our Podio workspace, saving us literally hundreds of hours’ worth of work every single month. For a print and design company, words cannot describe how great this is for our business!”

Paul Cavalier – Print Storm



See How Easy It Is To Get Up And Running With This Parseur Alternative

How to Start Processing Emails with Mailparser

Getting started with Parseur alternative, Mailparser is quite simple. Once you’ve figured out the best tier for your business requirements, the setup process is efficient, and you can start to utilize the tool’s powerful features right off the bat. Here’s a shortlist of what you can do in the very first few minutes of your Mailparser experience:

  • Forward an email to Mailparser to configure your rules
  • Select the text areas and fields to capture from future emails
  • Integrate with external applications (Google Sheets, your CRM, etc.)
  • Send documents to Mailparser for data extraction
  • Extract and convert PDF, DOCX, and TXT files into spreadsheets and other formats

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Automatically Extract Data From Emails

Capture data from incoming emails and send it to spreadsheets, Google Sheets, databases, APIs, integration services, and more.

No credit card required