Manage Your Car Sales Leads With

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Automatically Extract Data From Emails

Capture data from incoming emails and send it to spreadsheets, Google Sheets, databases, APIs, integration services, and more.

No credit card required

Manage your website,, and many other digital car sales leads with

Why? When you have emails coming in from contact forms, & 3rd party auto sales lead generation sites, critical data is often clumsy in format, and not structured the same as the next auto lead provider. allows you to set an inbox for each lead source that you receive car sales leads from, while defining the structure of the data. This allows you to get the sales leads into the precise format you prefer, so that you can download them or send them to countless cloud platforms (CRM, Marketing Automation, etc.).
Below is a typical inbox setup for a client. You will notice that all of the emails in this inbox look the same as they would in your “normal” email inbox. Read our “sending emails to my inbox” support article for our range of options.
car sales leads

Parsing rules are created, to extract the information from each auto lead in your inbox

Everything that is in the email lead is open game for parsing. Want to separate first and last name? No problem, want email address, phone number, city, state, etc. all in individual fields? Again, this is a really simple process. Our parsing rules video will help you along. Below is a sample inbox, with parsing rules for data extraction.
car sales leads parsing

Now that your parsing rules are set, start sending emails to your inbox

Send a few sales leads, ensure that they are parsing as expected, and then send as many as you need parsed. You can preview each lead email that has been sent to your inbox and look at the original email, the parsed result, & the dispatched webhooks (that we haven’t covered yet). Now that we have our inbox set-up figured out and parsing emails…. What do you want to do with your car sales leads?
parsed car sales leads

Once your auto leads are converted into structured data you can send them to countless locations has native integrations that will allow you to send these auto leads to Zoho, Salesforce, SuiteCRM, you can download the information too, use a generic webhook, or use our Zapier integration to send the car sales leads to hundreds of other cloud platforms. With this automation potential, you essentially can process an inbound email lead, parse it, and send it to your CRM in a matter of seconds. No longer are you required to copy and paste leads, or sort through your email inbox. Get the sales leads into the hands of your top sales staff fast, keeping hot leads HOT.
We have a range of pricing plans based on usage, and offer a free subscription to give you plenty of time to test out the service. Have a question? Contact Us.
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Automatically Extract Data From Emails

Capture data from incoming emails and send it to spreadsheets, Google Sheets, databases, APIs, integration services, and more.

No credit card required