The Best Alternative to Zapier Email Parser

In 2021, the latest report from Statista said that more than 50% of the world’s population uses email (around 4.1 billion people). What’s more is that 90% of Americans over age 15 use email. The translation? Email isn’t going anywhere. Users share various data every day through email: invoices, orders, pictures, and other files–these data […]

How To Parse Email Attachments with Mailparser

Since the beginning of Mailparser, one particular feature request popped up every couple of days. People were asking if it was possible to automatically read and process text stored inside e-mail attachments. Quickly it became clear to us that this is something we wanted to build for our customers! Read on to find out how […]

Extract FedEx and UPS Tracking Numbers from Emails

Do you manually copy & paste tracking numbers from emails to other software products on a regular basis? Mailparser can parse tracking numbers from FedEx, UPS, USPS, and other sources, directly from your incoming emails. Mailparser is a web application that makes it really easy to parse tracking numbers from incoming emails. All you need […]