Create new Caspio records from parsed emails.
Add parsed email data to your Caspio Cloud database, automatically.
About the Caspio Cloud integration
With this integration, you can create new Caspio Cloud database records from parsed email data. Every time a new email enters your Mailparser account, prespecified data points are automatically sent to Caspio, creating a new record in your database.
While you can download the extracted data from Mailparser or send it to any script with a webhook, this integration simplifies that process, eliminating the hassle of manual data input into your Caspio Cloud database.
Our “getting started with email parsing” blog article will walk you through the steps to creating an automated process. Feel free to explore Zapier’s integration with Caspio Cloud here.
What you need …
This Caspio Cloud integration is brought to you by Zapier. Next to having a Caspio Cloud account and a Mailparser account, you will also need an account with Zapier.
How it works…
- Create an account with
- Forward your emails to your private inbox
- Create parsing rules within our app to isolate data
- Complete the integration through your Zapier account, sending desired data from Mailparser to your Caspio database