
Convert Data From Email to Airtable Prefer to hold parsed email data in Airtable? Use extracted data from Mailparser to automatically create or update records in an Airtable database. TRY IT FREE No credit card required. About the Airtable integration With this integration, you can send data parsed from emails directly into an Airtable database. […]


MySQL - Mailparser Integrations

Convert Emails to MySQL Database Record Mailparser gives you powerful tools to extract any kind of data from incoming emails. Whether that is data from lead generation efforts, contact requests, email forms, or any other kind of emailed data, we can extract structured data with just a few simple parsing rules and convert Email to […]

CSV File Export

CSV - Mailparser Integrations

Convert Emails to CSV files Extract data from incoming emails and get a CSV file in return. TRY IT FREE No credit card required. About the CSV File Export integration Mailparser is an easy to use email parsing solution which lets you extract specific data fields from incoming emails and convert Email to CSV. Setting up […]